Beauty Buy: Rodan + Fields
Today I’m baring it all with my Rodan + Fields skincare routine. I struggle quite a bit with acne flare-ups, and I’m always trying to find new products that will help control the issue. I’d heard about Rodan + Fields from several people, but wasn’t interested in spending so much money on the products. Plus, having to use so many products every day just seemed tedious. I finally gave in to trying the products when I learned about the 60 money back guarantee.
I had so many questions for my R+F consultant the first time I met with her. What line is best for my skin type? Can I use other products with the R+F products? What if I accidentally skip a day? After meeting with Lisa, my R+F consultant, all of my questions were answered and I felt more optimistic about trying the products. She put me on the Unblemish line, and I’ve been using it now for about 2 months. You have to gradually build up to using the products every day, but even after a few weeks I started to notice a difference. I wasn’t breaking out nearly as bad as I usually do (especially during “that time of the month”). Now after two months of using the line I can count the number of breakouts I’ve had on one hand!
I still use my regular face wash before I use the R+F products, plus a few of my other favorite products. This is great because I don’t feel like I’m throwing money away! Also, I still have quite a bit of the Unblemish line left after two months so if you’re hesitant about the price like I was do the math and you’ll see it really is worth it. You can always send it back after 60 days and get a full refund so why not give it a try?!
Rodan + Fields Consultant
Lisa Moser