Beauty Buy: Rodan + Fields

rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment rodan and fields acne treatment

Today I’m baring it all with my Rodan + Fields skincare routine. I struggle quite a bit with acne flare-ups, and I’m always trying to find new products that will help control the issue. I’d heard about Rodan + Fields from several people, but wasn’t interested in spending so much money on the products. Plus, having to use so many products every day just seemed tedious. I finally gave in to trying the products when I learned about the 60 money back guarantee.

I had so many questions for my R+F consultant the first time I met with her. What line is best for my skin type? Can I use other products with the R+F products? What if I accidentally skip a day? After meeting with Lisa, my R+F consultant, all of my questions were answered and I felt more optimistic about trying the products. She put me on the Unblemish line, and I’ve been using it now for about 2 months. You have to gradually build up to using the products every day, but even after a few weeks I started to notice a difference. I wasn’t breaking out nearly as bad as I usually do (especially during “that time of the month”). Now after two months of using the line I can count the number of breakouts I’ve had on one hand!

I still use my regular face wash before I use the R+F products, plus a few of my other favorite products. This is great because I don’t feel like I’m throwing money away! Also, I still have quite a bit of the Unblemish line left after two months so if you’re hesitant about the price like I was do the math and you’ll see it really is worth it. You can always send it back after 60 days and get a full refund so why not give it a try?!

Rodan + Fields Consultant
Lisa Moser


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