woman wearing leggings, shirt, and denim jacket for travel day guide

While traveling is one of my favorite things to do, heading to the airport and packing your life up into a suitcase can be so stressful. It’s tough to know what all to bring and it’s even harder to remember everything once you start packing, especially if you go into it without a plan. I know I’ve never left home without thinking that there’s something I’m forgetting. Now that travel is picking back up, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite travel essentials and things I never want to be without while on the go!

Also, here are some highly requested outfits like the one above linked here for travel days! I’ve rounded up some of my favorites from the past few months so you can shop directly or use them as inspo for things you may already have in your closet!


reliable suitcase

denim jacket or wrap

comfy sneakers

tote bag

noise cancelling headphones

makeup travel case

pvc organizer zipper bags

tech cord organizer

water bottle and snacks

phone charger


woman holding a bottle of wine and sitting on the stairs

outfit linked here


travel day guide woman wearing shorts and shirt

outfit linked here


travel day guide woman wearing black dress and holding luggage

outfit linked here


woman in white dress and holding white luggage

outfit linked here


woman in an airplane

outfit linked here



collage of travel outfit

outfit linked here

travel day guide travel outfit

outfit linked here

women's travel outfit

outfit linked here

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