dallas, fall weather, sweatersWhen it comes to over-the-knee boots I’m a huge fan. I have super skinny chicken legs and a short torso so I always want to make my legs the focus of any outfit. I feel like it makes me look taller when I wear over-the-knee boots! My newest pair of OTK boots for the fall season are these beautiful suede over-the-knee boots from Nordstrom. They fit my legs SO good! Which is why I would totally splurge on these pretty things. However, sometimes we can’t always afford to splurge on the shoes we really really really want which is why today I’m showing you over-the-knee boot options for when you need to SAVE or when you can SPLURGE!


over the knee boots, otk, suede shoessuede boots, nordstrom, fall shoes one small blonde, fashion blogger, OTK suede boots brooke burnett, dallas, style blogger styler blogger, fashion blogger, nordstrom brooke burnett, dallas, OTK bootsYou can see in my collage above that there are some really good boots in both categories! The main reason I buy my boots from Nordstrom is that they have such a great price range and the quality isn’t sacrificed. Believe me, there are times in my budget where I try to save anywhere I can so I’m not in a pinch. However, there are definitely some things that I always buy on the higher end because I know I will wear the crap out of them ha.

That’s why I spent the extra money on these suede over-the-knee boots. History repeats itself, right? So in that case I know I wear over-the-knee boots a lot… I’d rather spend an extra $100 on the nicer pair I really want than get the cheaper ones and have to get a new pair in the next year or two.

Don’t get me wrong… This wasn’t always the case! If this was me when I was 25 years old I probably wouldn’t be saying the same thing. I didn’t have the disposable income and didn’t handle my finances very well so I’d totally go for the budget-friendly over-the-knee boots.

Sometimes when I’m trying on shoes at Nordstrom I actually prefer the cheaper ones because they are more comfortable! And in that case, it’s a win-win!! So which ones are your favorite from this post? I dare you to order the save + splurge boot and see which one wins for you 🙂

photos: Beckley & Co.

*Thanks Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

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  1. Love this look! I’m all on this over the knee boots. Being short myself, I like to feel tall and give the appearance that I have long legs. Being 25 right now, I’m at that point where I can’t splurge on nice things yet, but hopefully one day, haha.


  2. Which bag is this that you’re holding in the picture? I didn’t see the exact link on Thanks!

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