Seriously, I don’t think Carrie Bradshaw could have said it better… Girls best friends are sometimes better than boyfriends. I’ve been extremely lucky to have incredible girlfriends throughout my life. I still go on vacation with my best friends from high school, college and with my new best girlfriends right now. Without these ladies I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through a lot of rough times in life. Like last year, things were a pretty rough after a bad break up, but I thank God every single day that my best friends were there to get me through it.
We’ve all got our own struggles in life, but I realized recently nobody really prepares you for the struggles of life after college. It’s like you know what to expect in college, and then after college you know you should probably get married and have kids. BUT… What about the in-between time?? Figuring out your job… Figuring out what you really like… What you don’t like… What you truly deserve in a relationship… Seriously my list could go on forever… It’s exhausting!
I really started thinking about this on Sunday after church. The message was about focusing on “what’s important now”, but realizing what’s important now doesn’t compare to the most important thing in life which is what’s waiting for us in heaven. There’s always going to be some thing in life that’s sooooo important at the moment. For me, that thing is probably finding a guy to date. I’m not really really worried about finding a guy because I know God will put that man in my life when my heart is ready, but it’s more the waiting game.
During this waiting period it’s nice to have my best girlfriends alongside for the ride because we’ve all been there before (actually a lot of us are in the same boat right now!). So what’s the solution for the NOW… Girl Time. Every Monday night my girlfriends and I get together at my place for Bachelor night (duh!). Honestly, it’s kind of a highlight of my week because it’s a few hours of gabbing about life, and let’s be real 90% of our conversations are about guys. But, those few hours of the week give me the opportunity to unwind, let go of the anxious feelings I have about guys, and most importantly remind me how happy I am that I have the best girlfriends EVER.
Skinny Margaritas (serves 5)
2 cups tequila
1 cup Cointreau
15-20 limes (no joke you need a LOT of limes)
2 cups sparkling water
Chicken Salad Sandwiches
2 cups shredded chicken
1/4 cup mayo
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons dill
I do love that quote – it’s kind of perfect! xx
Laura | Loved By Laura