You may not want to hear this right now because if you’re like me all you’ve been doing lately is eating holiday treats galore… But, the new year is just around the corner and it’s not too early to start thinking about those new year resolutions. Like…getting back on the “Body Reset” program for me!
I’m not going to lie… I’ve completely fallen off the healthy bandwagon. I’ve tried to stick to my workouts as much as possible so things aren’t REALLY BAD come January. However, don’t they say it’s really about 80% eating habits and 20% working out? Yeah. But what better motivation to get excited about getting back into shape than new workout clothes from Reebok?! I don’t know about you, but I would love to get these leggings or sneakers as a Christmas gift!
In all honestly, I’ve been excited about starting my “body reset” program again for a few weeks now. Can’t say all the yummy carbs and sweets have made me feel that great. If you haven’t heard of my “body reset” program then you should go read all 6 of my posts. But, here is a little breakdown:
6-week program
Whole30 diet (food only)
Alcohol included (modified)
3 strength training workouts per week
Supplements are KEY
Some of you may be thinking, “wait Whole30 is only 30 days so why 6-weeks?”. Great question! The reason this program is 6-weeks is because it takes that long to completely reset your insulin and cortisol levels which manage fats and sugars in your body. When those are out of whack then no matter what type of workout or “healthy eating” you do I promise you won’t see any results you want to see. Believe me I tried… That’s why I started the Body Reset!
You can see all of my results from the Body Reset here!
Check out this post to see my schedule for the 2019 Body Reset!
Okay, so back to cute workout clothes. Well, if y’all know me then I basically live in athleisure in real life. Especially when I’m on the body reset program. I’m working out a ton so I live in leggings like these color block leggings. Also, I love a good pair of white sneakers I can slip on and off easily when I’m running around during the day. I don’t want to wear my real athletic sneakers unless I’m in the gym so they stay in good shape.
I’ve been a fan of Reebok since my cheerleading days… Yes, I was a cheerleader for 10 years. Can you tell? I remember the old school Reebok’s with velcro straps. Goodness, I thought I was so cool. I loved getting a new pair every year for cheerleading way too much. Oh dang that’s bringing back some memories… 🙂 Also, it’s making me wish I still had the metabolism of my teenage self!
It was so much easier to lose weight and eat whatever I wanted back then…ugh the good ole days. Oh well, time to look ahead and get ready to reset in 2019!!
*Thanks Reebok for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.
Can you explain when you take all of the supplements? Thank you!!
Would love to see a food guide with examples of what you eat in a week!