maurices girls night out

Tonight I’ve got a special Sunday night post… I recently teamed up with Maurice’s to share what I do for a “Girls Night” with my friends. I’ll give you a few hints…drinks and a patio. I’ve actually started a series on the blog for “Girls Night” which you may have read a few months back when I had the opportunity to work with Speak Wines.

The thing I love about Dallas is it’s such a social city so any excuse we can think of to have “Girls Night” then we’re there. I’ve mentioned before how grateful I am to have such amazing and supportive friends. Like seriously, when I told them about this feature with Maurice’s they all jumped at the opportunity to get together. A few of them were being camera shy…aka my roomie/twin. Funny tidbit…we aren’t actually sisters, but can’t go out together without getting asked if we are twins. We just go with it now!

If you want to know more about what we love to do for “Girls Night”, and a few of my favorite spots here in Dallas then be sure to head over to the new Maurice’s blog to read more!!

maurices girls night out

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maurices girls night outmaurices girls night out maurices girls night out maurices girls night out

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maurices girls night out maurices girls night out

photos: Beckley & Co.

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