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holiday pajamas, holiday gift guide, christmas gifts, gifts for her, one small blonde

If you haven’t started thinking about holiday shopping yet you’re already behind! There are just under 6 weeks until Christmas… Yep, that’s right! I’ll admit… I’m a procrastinator and usually buy gifts at the very last minute. So dumb considering I shop for a living :/ This year, I’m going to get on top of my game and do all my shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

To kick off my “Holiday Gift Guide” series I wanted to start with “Gifts for Her” (aka me!). However, I wanted to give you some gift ideas that are on my “wishlist” plus some items that I highly recommend you ask Santa for… The #1 item on my list this year is the Dyson hair dryer. I’ve had it used on me during blowouts, and it’s a game changer. Next, is this awesome wine opener… Y’all, it pours a glass of wine without uncorking the bottle!

tanning oil, beauty blogger, brooke burnett

So here are a few other gifts for her that I’ve been using over the last few months and truly love love love! First off, these Tan-Luxe self-tanning drops are my new addiction. You just mix them with your favorite moisturizer day and night. They even have ones for your body. I’ve never found a self-tanner that I really love because most of them smell terrible. You don’t smell these at all!

You’ve gotta read more about this company if you have time. They are the only self-tanner on the market that also integrates skincare. So you are getting a glow and healthy skin all at the same time!

fashion blogger, style blogger, splurge gifts

Another beauty product I’ve been obsessed with since this summer is the GloPro Microneedling Tool! If you’ve seen my Insta stories you know how often I use this thing… And, I’ve had so many people reach out to me after they’ve bought it who rave about how good it works. It’s helped fade my dark spots a ton!!

beauty blogger, cosmetics, beauty gifts

Have you all heard of Cuyana? They just opened a store here in Dallas, and the quality of their handbags is one of the best I’ve ever seen. This leather gold travel pouch set is their most popular item! It’s perfect for all your travel toiletries, and the little pouch is just the right size for all of my lipsticks in my purse.

luggage, travel gifts, style bloggerIf you’re ever stumped on a gift idea for the lady in your life (or bestie, mom, etc.) then anything cashmere is the way to go! It’s super soft and any woman loves nice things. This cashmere sweater was just on sale, and I bet you can find a ton of cashmere gifts during Black Friday!

Another thing I’m desperately in need of this year is new luggage. I love my Calpak marble carry-on, but I need a bigger suitcase bad. The crappy one I have isn’t cutting it anymore. I really want the new Calpak 2-piece luggage set in either white or rose gold. I think the white would look best with my marble carry-on, but the rose gold is so pretty!

ugg slipper, gifts under $100, UGGS

Okay, so the last thing that is also a “never fail” gift for any woman is a fuzzy pair of slippers! I got these cute pom-pom slippers recently for a cozy pair to wear around the house. I’ve got my eye on the Ugg slippers in my collage above because I need some new slippers to wear when I take the dogs out!

So ladies…what is on your wishlist this year?! I’m always open for more ideas to add to my list, haha. And, I’d love to know who you are shopping for this year if you need any ideas!

photos: Beckley & Co.

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