I promise not to make this post a complete rant… But I’ll admit I’ve been extremely frustrated with “the blogger life” and Instagram lately. A few weeks ago, Instagram made some changes (again) to the algorithm. I know this happens every so often because my engagement usually goes wayyyyy down. What does that mean? It means you all probably don’t see my posts as often and my photo “likes” decrease dramatically. I try SO hard not to let if affect my mood because I know this happens and I can’t COMPARE myself to other bloggers who are getting a ton of “likes” on their photos at the same time.

Well… I really really really let it get to me the last few weeks. So much to the point that it’s gotten me super frustrated and upset with wanting to continue producing good content. Like what’s the point if only 1/4 of my audience actually sees my stuff? I think what made it worse this time around is because I finally have been putting a LOT of effort into the posts I’ve been making because I want it to be beneficial to you all. AKA… I don’t just want to post about this cute floral dress because I have to post it to make money. I want to create meaningful content behind this post that you all can benefit from too.

That’s why today I wanted to write about how to fight frustrations at work. Plus, I am still a fashion blogger so I’m giving you two fall work outfits from my favorite workwear store Ann Taylor!

Ann Taylor - Floral Ruffle Flare Dress

Ann Taylor - Floral Ruffle Flare Dress

Ann Taylor - Floral Ruffle Flare Dress


So how can you fight these frustrations when you have to keep working? I’ve got 3 tips that might get your annoyance level back down to normal.




Obviously you can’t just peace out for the day at work, but you can walk away for a minute or two to clear your head. That means leaving your desk, leaving your phone, and leaving anyone around you who might be making you frustrated. I know a lot of you probably work with a group of people and can’t just walk out of the room. However, you can excuse yourself and go to the bathroom for a minute.

This one is super hard for me because my “work” is constantly in front of my face on my phone. Luckily, when I was going through this frustration phase a few weeks ago I was in Montana and we were up in the mountains so I literally had NO service. I didn’t have a choice about checking Instagram. I had three hours of stress free thinking while walking through the mountains. Once we got back in the car I felt a lot better. Not 100% but better.

The reason I have to walk away from social is so I stop comparing myself to other bloggers. If I don’t let myself clear my head my anxiety will take hold. Once that happens there is absolutely NO productive thinking. So……… Walk away and give yourself the opportunity to reset so you can think clearly.

Ann Taylor - Floral Ruffle Flare Dress  - One Small Blonde


Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing I can do about Instagram changing it’s algorithm. They are a business and they have to make money just like the rest of us. It sucks that they want us to “pay to play” these days but I get it. I know it’s not my fault that my photos aren’t being shown to all of my followers. Also, I know it’s not my followers fault for not “liking” a photo if they don’t even see it. *But if you do see my photo please “LIKE” it because it’s more important than you know.

So when you know it’s not all your fault focus on the things you can control. I can control my blog and produce really good content for you all. Hopefully you’ll like it 🙂

Tweed Military Jacket - Ann Taylor

Tweed Military Jacket - Ann TaylorMock Neck Balloon Sleeve Knit Top - Ann Taylor



You’re NOT a FAILURE. Even though other people around you may be crushing it they will eventually be in your same spot at some point. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s hard not to compare yourself to others. It’s especially hard for me when I see other bloggers that have less followers than me getting crazy amounts of “likes” on their photos. But the bottom line is I can’t COMPARE myself to them because I am ME.

After I walked away and admitted it’s not my fault when I was having this frustrating moment I focused on the positive messages I’ve gotten from you all. I mean maybe my photo wasn’t that great so not a lot of you “liked” it which is fine. I’m doing what I can because it’s what I want to do and I like it. You can’t make others happy until you make yourself happy!

That’s why I made a short list of accomplishments to reflect on and bring myself back to reality. Even though I may not be getting as many “likes” as I want on each photo I do have loyal followers who I am so thankful for. Also, I may not be making as much money through affiliate marketing as I did last year, but I am making more money overall this year. Maybe that’s because brands are noticing I’m trying to produce more “quality” content so they want to work with me? I’ll take it.

Tweed Military Jacket - Ann Taylor

Mock Neck Balloon Sleeve Knit Top - Ann Taylor

I’ve still been a little frustrated with Instagram lately, but practicing these 3 tips to fight frustrations do help a ton. Another way to fight some frustrations is with some retail therapy! Nothing a fabulous new outfit can’t cure, right? Kidding…kind of! But really, I do believe in the saying “LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD”. If you walk away for a minute to the bathroom and look in the mirror when you’re wearing this amazing new tweed blazer it’s easier to think, “Yeah you are a bad ass and you’ve got this.”.

If any of you are dealing with frustrations lately feel free to leave your rant below!! We can get through these times together!

photos: Beckley Co.

*Thanks Ann Taylor for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

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  1. Great post! I definitely understand your frustration when it comes to instagram. Instagram used to be so much fun and all about connections and inspiration, but now it’s just a numbers game and business. If it’s any help, you’ll be surprised by how many people with more engagement will cheat the system or sell their soul for instagram lol, plus one day instagram will die and you’ll still have your website to show for it.


  2. Thank you for your honesty. I’m far from the blogger world and didn’t know it worked like that. I bet that is very frustrating for you. I enjoy your posts and keep up the good work!

  3. Consequently, this algorithm has allowed avid blog readers to seek out the best content for them. When I start following a lot of bloggers, their photos and posts all look and read the same, and I end up unfollowing several of them at once. But I can count on one hand (literally) the bloggers I have stuck with since I started reading blogs 10 years ago. Even if engagement is down overall, you’ll always have your “base” of dedicated readers. Isn’t that better than having an extra thousand “likes” from random people who don’t actually care about your content?
    Also, I just found your blog on Your style is very similar to mine, I’m inspired by your hair color & length, and I look forward to reading your content, old and new.

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