I’ve got some extremely exciting news to share with you all today!! Last year, I started training other bloggers on some blogging basics like email marketing design and SEO. That’s when the “Blogger Workshop” was born. I truly love consulting and training, and I’ve had dreams of making this venture something bigger. Guess what…that dream is coming true! Today I’m officially opening registration for the “ONE BLOGGER BOSS WORKSHOP” weekend here in Dallas on June 10th-11th!!!! Take a look below to see what’s in store!



After a rough start to the beginning of the year, I finally took the leap of faith and decided to pursue this dream. I’m happy, excited, and nervous all at the same time. But I think that’s kinda the feeling every entrepreneur has when starting something new. All I know, is that I love seeing the “ah-ha” moment on someone’s face when I help them learn something new on their blog. It’s almost more rewarding that seeing my own blog succeed.

This outfit is my ultimate “blogger boss” outfit. The top makes me feel unique because every blogger is just that…isn’t that why we all started our blogs? It also makes me feel like I’ve got wings that could take me anywhere. A pair of black heels always make me feel like I look good no matter what I’m wearing. Last, the purse. This is my “it” bag that makes me feel like I’ve worked my butt off to get where I am today.

So…start thinking about your “blogger boss” outfit, and sign up for the BEST blogging weekend!!

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