dallas, birthday gift, fall fashion

I’m officially 31! Or as I like to call it… My 1st anniversary of my 30th bday 🙂 I’m so excited to talk about today’s “Birthday Week Giveaway” Grand Prize!! There are a lot of amazing items in this giant gift, but there is a catch…

Instead of nominating yourself to win this gift, you have to nominate someone else who truly deserves to win this incredible prize. Why do they deserve it? I want to know!!


fall fashion, birthday outfit, dressgifts for her, birthdays for her, birthday gifts fashion blogger, dallas blogger, dallas fashionlittle giraffe blanket, gifts for her, style blogger

Little Giraffe Home Blanket // Get 20% off your purchase using code: BROOKE20

marc fisher over the knee boots, OTK boots, fall boots

Marc Fisher Shoes

brunette the label sweatshirt, casual wear, street look

Brunette the Label Pink BLONDE Sweatshirt

capri blue candle, home decor, home gifts

Capri Blue Candle

baublebar tassel earrings, accessories, jewelry

Baublebar Tassel Earrings

socialite t shirt, fashion blogger, style blogger

Socialite Black Lace-Up Tee

seven daughters, wine, gifts for her

Seven Daughters Wine (Red + Rose + White)

This entire package includes all things I LOVE… It’s the perfect gift for someone who really needs a reason to smile! There are a few more items that I’ll share on Instagram stories today so be sure to watch!

  • Follow these accounts on Instagram


  • Follow me on Instagram (duh!)
  • Comment below nominating someone you think deserves this gift!

EXTRA ENTRY: Re-share your favorite photo from any of these brands + tag @onesmallblonde and use hashtag #OSBbirthdaybash

ALL winners will be announced on Sunday!! Good Luck!!!

photos: Beckley & Co.

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  1. oh my goodness my sister would be perfect for this! shes a hard working full-time mom that deserves to be pampered!

  2. Seriously great giveaway. My sister helps relax me and keep me sane with 3 little ones all while she cares for her own adorable 8 month old! You deserve this Michelle!

  3. I posted a nomination on your instagram too, but thought I would enter here as well. I would like to nominate my favorite 30-something friend Arielle (ariellemarissa916). We haven’t even been friends for a full year yet, but she has been the most amazing and supportive friend to me when I am only 26. She is a wonderful sounding board in everything I am struggling with, and cares so very deeply about the people in her life. I am seriously the luckiest human in the world to have her in my life. I only hope that I can do the same for someone in their 20s trying to find their way when I get to that age.

  4. I posted on your IG page, followed all the pages on there as well! How fun is this! Happy Birthday to one amazing woman!!!! xoxo

  5. Just followed all of the IG accounts! My bestie deserves to win this. She has been through a lot lately and needs a surprise to cheer her up! <3

  6. Happy birthday!! I would like to nominate my sister, Rebekah..she also turned 30 this year! She is hard working and definitely deserves some pampering! Enjoy your day!

  7. Happy Birthday, Brooke! I nominate my Mom to win! She works so hard for all things and in all ways and is SO deserving of this gift!! <3

  8. My friend Alicia deserves to get these wonderful gifts. She just had her 3rd daughter via emergency c-section while me and our other friend had pretty normal labors with our daughters due around the same time. I know she’s home from work for a while and could use a pick-me-up. Plus she’s super sweet

  9. My selfless sister Brenda. I am undergoing chemo treatments for breast cancer, and she has been by my side. In addition she has been taking care of my dad since our mom passed away last year.

  10. My best friend Vicky. Being with me during the hardest times of my life…the good ones and always present. Makes me laugh, love to listen to music together and more things that I can count.

  11. Happy Birthday Brooke!!! Love the blonde sweatshirt as well as all the other awesome items. I would nominate my neighbor Jenn, who is always doing for not only her large family but neighbors like me as well. Celebrate hardy Brooke!!! 🙂

  12. My sister Kristen deserves this because she is a hard working momma who put her husband through school and now he works nights so he can’t help as much. And she never can treat herself like this. Except she better let me have the candle, Capri blue are my fave!

  13. I think my BFF Nicole Collins deserves this gift. She is one of the most self-sacrificing Moms that I have ever known. Her son has flourished in so many ways at his new school because of her and you would never know some of his challenges as a child with Asperger’s Syndrome. She gives up so much, like Moms so often do but in her case she doesn’t complain and keeps him at the forefront. She is the best!!

  14. My friend Liz deserves this gift, she has worked so hard all summer to start her own pet sitting business, and as winter approaches she deserves a few snuggly nights at home taking time for herself! Thank you!

  15. Done!! I nominate my friend Christine. She’s the hardest working, kindest lady I know and never ever pampers herself.

  16. I nominate my mom because not only is she deserving of it…but because she is like the candle- will tire and “burn” herself out just to give light to those around her.

  17. I love how sweet this is, nominating someone else!!! I would nominate my friend Erin because she just moved to a new big city (Houston!) and has been working so hard to make an awesome life for herself! She deserves a treat❤️

  18. My sister-in-law Mary deserves a fun surprise. Her family has been in a financial pinch lately, and there is not a lot of room in the budget for treats. The family is also dealing with some medical issues, and are just in one of those patches of life where it just seems to be one crummy thing after another. She is always there and ready to help when others need a hand, and I’d be delighted if she was recipient of all of these gifts!

  19. i’d like to nominate my cousin. She’s inspirational. She struggles daily with everything from travelling to work to what to have for lunch. She’s very independent and has a huge heart. She’s absolutely amazing and everyone who meets her loves her! She’s absolutely amazing. She’s always there for any of her friends and family anytime. She does so much for everyone and never gets rewarded or a thank you sometimes. She balances everything in her life and I see how hard it is for her. She definitely deserves winning this! Thanks!

  20. I’m nominating my soon to be daughter in law. She’s the sweetest person on earth and will be the daughter I never had.

  21. Happy 31st!! I would LOVEEE to nominate my sister. She works full time, has 3 little ones 3 years of age and under!! Yes you read that right, she’s crazy lol. Her husband travels a lot for work, so she ALWAYS has her hands full. She never treats herself or ever puts herself first. She deserves this. She’d probably cry, and that would be great to see her happy and for a moment get to only think about herself. Thank you for this opportunity and may 31 be your best year yet!!

  22. Happy 31st Birthday, I’m almost their and I think it’s awesome to keep celebrating many more years. I would love for my friend who I only know through social media to win this prize. Her name is Priscilla Lynn, she is a mom just like me. She has been a great friend that not only shares the same opinions like me but we love the same things. Like entering giveaways,everyday we enter many to win stuff that definitely helps our families. Besides always sharing these amazing contest, we always have each other to talk about our everyday problems and give each other advices or recommendations. I know we don’t know each other in person but these 5 years we have been in contact by SM, it has always been a pleasure to have a friend like her.

  23. my daughter Nikki, she is a full time mom and has 3 children under 5! yikes, she needs some relaxation in her life and she is an amazing daughter and mom

  24. I would like to nominate my aunt. She’s always giving back to those in need and if you ever need her she’ll literally fly across the country for you. She’s done it numerous times for her family and friends.
    IG @greeniejoey

  25. I thought all the other giveaways were great but this is over the top!!! I would nominate my daughter Kate! She is so deserving and I know that she would be beyond thrilled to receive this gift…I know Moms are biased but all so true of my daughter! Thanks for the chance and also opening my eyes to new products. Happy birthday!

  26. I would nominate my sister Sarah because she is the most helpful person in the world but is constantly taken advantage of. She could use a little pick me up!

  27. My best friend Sandy, we met in the 8th grade and we’re now in our 50’s. We’ve celebrated our 30th birthdays, I remember she gave me a pair of white denim skinny jeans with the zippers at the ankle, they were Donna Karan the first time they were in fashion 1990! She’s always had flair and flirty fashions in her closet. Sandy would be so touched winning this gift celebrating your 30th Birthday Brooke. We both wish you a memorable celebration with family and friends

  28. This ones easy! My Sister! She has two babies under two (one being 9 weeks old) and she just remodeled her whole home! God bless her! She could def use this pat on the back! Also, happy birthday!!!!

  29. My best friend Morgan deserves this! She is 28 and went through a divorce earlier this year and is now learning to live alone for the first time in 8 years and date again! She could definitely use a pick me up and several of these items are some of her favorite things!

  30. Happy Birthday! I nominate my daughter. She is pregnant and needs a pick-me-up! This is a fabulous pick-me-up!

  31. Happiest Birthday!! I love everything in this giveaway. My Mom would really love all of this. I nominate her because she always gets everything for everyone first and she never gets anything for herself ❤️

  32. My niece Brittany deserves to receive something special for her. A single mother of a 1 year old she works 6 days a week on her feet and Saturday night she is a bartender till 2 am. Family tries to help her but she is a proud mother and does not take much.

  33. Happy 31th Birthday! I would like to nominate my mom. My mother is always available to those who are in need of a little love, smile, hug or just a friendly ear. She designs and sews curtains and upholstery for the elderly that live in senior mobile home developments. Pretty curtains can bring warmth to a home! Throughout the year she shops sales and donates them to the same communities. People often forget about the lonely or older generation around the holidays, but not my mom.

  34. My mom is always deserving of something special, she takes care of everyone but herself. However, the most deserving person I can think of is my aunt. She was initially misdiagnosed and luckily got a second opinion and it turned out to be breast cancer. Like my mom she always puts everybody else first and even tried to throughout her chemo. Last week was her last day of chemo and everything seems to be headed in a positive direction. She still has to have radiation therapy and a double mastectomy. She’s acting like the mastectomy isn’t a big deal to her and it’s not going to bother her regarding cosmetics. I don’t think there’s any woman that has a double mastectomy that isn’t bothered by it while you adjust. I’m rambling, so sorry. I just would be so excited to surprise my aunt with such wonderful things I’ve never been able to yet on my own as a gift. As I said I know she’s going to be bothered as we go down the road and I’d like to spoiler as much as I can she’s more like a big sister to me than an aunt were that close. Happy birthday I hope it’s wonderful and filled with fun and lots of laughter. barkergirl38 on IG.

    1. Hi Kimberly! I wanted to thank you for participating in last weeks giveaway. Since I had such an overwhelming response I couldn’t decide on 1 winner for the Grand Prize. You are one of the two Grand Prize winners! Please email me to claim your prize!

  35. Happy 31st Birthday!!!

    I’d love to win this for my Mom. We lost my Dad quite unexpectedly this summer & I’d love to win a ‘pick me up’ for her, as it’s been an emotional roller coaster this past few months (as you would expect)!

    Following you & all the brands included in the giveaway on Instagram: @rainesmom

    1. Hi Kim! I wanted to thank you for participating in last weeks giveaway. Since I had such an overwhelming response I couldn’t decide on 1 winner for the Grand Prize. You are one of the two Grand Prize winners! Please email me to claim your prize!

  36. I nominate my mom. She came here from Vietnam as a little girl with nothing and didn’t know English. She has become a successful business woman and entrepreneur. Opened her own photography studio and gives back to the community especially pet rescues and shelters trying to find homes for their animals. She doesn’t do enough for herself!

  37. My sister, Kim, deserves everything good in life. She took me in during my time of need against her better judgement. Thank goodness. Everything is working out beautifully and better than ever expected. She is my savior.

  38. I hope your birthday is a most beautiful day and wishing you all the best.I would nominate my lovely daughter who is always there as my BFF and she is a deserving soul.Thanks so much for a chance. 🙂

  39. My sister, Tiffany, deserves this win. She em has had such a terrible year and this would put a smile on her face which I haven’t seen in quite a while.

  40. Happy Birthday first of all. I would for my oldest daughter @m.aliciacarmina on IG to win this prize. She has gone through so much heartache in her young twenties and she looks at fashion and blogging as self expression and a way to get through this storm in her life. She would look amazing in those boots. She is a beautiful kind lady who deserves to be pampered just like the rest of us. I believe winning this for her will lift up her spirits. Not the material part of it but that someone she admires chose her to win.

  41. I think my mom definitely deserves to win this! She is always giving and helping me and others!! I owe her so much!!

    I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!! 🙂

  42. I am nominating my sister. She is a hard working mom with 3 kids under 10. She never does anything fun or luxurious for herself. She could so use a pick me up these days especially before the holidays. She is always so hard on herself because of baby weight and life in general. But this would make her year!!!

  43. I would love for my mom to win! She is the most amazing, beautiful, giving and unselfish person I know. Life hasn’t always been kind to her but she never loses faith and always keeps moving forward. She is my role model, my hero, and I am blessed that she’s my mom.

  44. Wow, this is so wonderful, thank you so much!! I’d nominate my friend Autumn Schultz. She’s a busy mom of 4 that always puts herself last on the list. I don’t remember the last time she’s had a new outfit or a date night!

  45. My neighbor, Christine, is one of the most selfless women I have ever known. She is constantly making sure so many people, including strangers, are taken care of all the while she is suffering from uterine issues and fybromyalgia. She is inspiring and deserves something for herself.

  46. My daughter Heather met somebody that she thought was her person about 2 years ago. She got pregnant and thought she would get married, but there started to be signs of anger and abusive tendencies. Long story short, Heather had to leave an abusive relationship and is raising her beautiful little daughter on her own. At this time, she has no money or time for herself. I think this would really encourage her and give her a treat. Happy birthday to you and I hope this year is your best yet.

  47. My mom is the most hardworking, caring, genuine person I know. She deserves this and so much more!! Her name is Janet and her instagram is @jlunke . Mine is @adarst213

  48. My co-worker and friend, Melissa, would greatly enjoy this wonderful prize package. She turns the big 40 tomorrow! Melissa works diligently and passionately at her job where she is a speech-language pathologist for young children with special needs. She definitely deserves to be pampered….and she loves wine! P.S. Followed all on IG.

  49. I would love to win this gift! As a busy working Mom, I need a glass of wine and a fabulous new outfit. Happy Birthday to you, hope you feel fabulous!

  50. A friend that I just made would love this! Strangers have came up to my friend and I and asked if we were sisters. It became an automatic bond. She is going through a lot of changes in her life and she deserves this to unwind a little.

  51. I would love to nominate my mom, things have been pretty rough for her lately and she could use a smile for sure.

  52. Have a wonderful Birthday! My friend Shirley would be the perfect person to receive this prize. She works so hard and her daughter is diabetic so in the evenings she has to go to all of her activities just in case something happens. So she has no time for herself. Thank you for the opportunity of entering!

  53. My sweet mother in law deserves this so much! She was diagnosed with cancer this year and is fighting like a champ! She is such a servant that the local elementary school has showered her with cards from kids she mentors. She gives so much and I would love to gift her with this, especially that awesome Little Giraffe Home blanket!

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