woman wearing workout outfits from nordstrom anniversary sale Weekend Traveler Crop Tank BEYOND YOGA / Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO

If you’ve been following me lately then you may know how enthralled I’ve become with working out and eating healthier… Or as I like to call it, my “body reset” transformation! A few months ago, I finally decided something had to change with my body/diet. I didn’t need to lose weight or anything like that I promise. It was mainly because I was feeling like crap almost every single day due to severe bloating.

Well, my amazing trainers at VIVE told me I’d never see a real change if I didn’t do a complete 6-week body reset. Oh, and he told me a lot of my stubborn areas where I store fat are from genetics…no thanks. That was enough motivation in itself to get me on the right track.

Soooooo…. Since I’ve been living in workout clothes a LOT lately I wanted to share some of my favorite athletic items from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!! Surprisingly, I’d never tried a pair of Zella leggings and I will say they are pretty amazing. Also, I can’t get enough of these Alo black leggings because they fit so darn good. And yes…I obvi needed 2 more pairs of black leggings. 😉


woman wearing Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO / Madison Tank ZELLA from workout outfits from nordstrom anniversary sale woman wearing Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO / Madison Tank ZELLA from workout outfits from nordstrom anniversary sale woman wearing Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO / Madison Tank ZELLA

woman wearing Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO / Madison Tank ZELLA - NSALE  from workout outfits from nordstrom anniversary sale woman wearing Block High Waist Mesh Inset Leggings ALO / Madison Tank ZELLA - NSALE



woman wearing nike tank top and leggings

I have really flat feet so there are only a few pairs of athletic shoes that I can wear. These Asics running shoes are one of those pairs, and I absolutely love the rose gold detail! Don’t get me wrong… Nike is great, but if you want really good workout shoes then I’d highly recommend switching to these boys.

 Sun Salutation High Waist Leggings ZELLA Essential Logo Tank NIKE woman wearing  Sun Salutation High Waist Leggings ZELLA

woman wearing her Favorite Hoodie ZELLA from the workout outfits nordstrom anniversary sale

Okay there are plenty of days when we don’t workout but still wear workout clothes…right? I know I’m not the only guilty one here so you better be raising your hand too! That’s why I love this cozy hoodie and cute gold metallic sneakers. I’ve kind of become a sneaker freak. Seriously looked in my closet the other day and was a little surprised. Oops!

woman wearing workout outfits  from the workout outfits nordstrom anniversary salewoman wearing workout outfits from workout outfits nordstrom anniversary salewoman wearing grey Favorite Hoodie ZELLA

woman wearing black tank top and Street Style High Waist Leggings ZELLA

Everyone can use a good basic black workout tank. I love the mesh detail around the neck on this one and it’s on sale for under $25!! Totally worth it. Now you may be thinking I’m crazy for wearing a super light color legging like these, but they honestly don’t show any sweat. I’m obsessed with the white legging trend right now so I thought these would be good for fall.

woman wearing Mira Tank ZELLA workout outfitwoman wearing Street Style High Waist Leggings ZELLAwoman wearing Mira Tank ZELLA and leggings from workout outfit nordstrom anniversay sale

woman stretching and wearing Street Style High Waist Leggings ZELLA

Slightly obsessed with the color scheme for this outfit! The subtle blush is so pretty and the pattern on these Zella leggings are so fun. Again, another outfit I may just wear to run errands with all intentions of working out that day…or not. And, if you don’t own a good pair of Adidas sneakers then you are missing out on this trend. I bought these classic white sneakers last year on the sale (so happy they are back!) and then couldn’t resist the Adidas flashback version from the sale this year.

woman sitting and wearing Sun Salutation High Waist Leggings ZELLA - Workout Outfits

woman wearing Sun Salutation High Waist Leggings ZELLA - Workout Outfits

Even if you aren’t working out five days a week who cares?! You can still find a reason to buy a few new pieces of workout clothes in my opinion. All of these outfits can be worn to any type of workout too. So if you’re treating yourself to new workout gear what workouts will you be doing this week?!

Ironically I’m on vacation so I’m not working out this week, but I did bring my workout stuff just in case! Don’t want to fall back into my old habits, but if there is a mac n’ cheese in my future then you bet I’m eating it!!!

photos: Beckley Co.

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